Experiencing domestic abuse?
In an emergency please call the Police (999).
Contact Us
Call us: 0333 300 2012. Lines are open 8am – 6pm Mon – Fri. Email us at info@triathlonhomes.com
National Domestic Violence Helpline
A national free helpline which is available every day of the year.
Freephone: 0808 2000 247 (24-hour helpline)
What happens next?
At Triathlon Homes we realise that domestic abuse has a serious impact on those affected, therefore we make it our top priority to put the person affected at the centre of what we do.
Your safety and that of any children will be treated with importance. We treat each case seriously, sensitively and in confidence.
We’ll work with you to understand your current situation to make sure that you get the right support and agree an action plan with you. To help support you we may also work with other partners such as, Victim Support, Women’s Aid, local authorities, the police and other social landlords.
In high risk cases we may make a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) referral to share information with our partners to make sure that we’re all working together with you to help keep you safe.
We understand being safe in your home is important and we can offer additional home security where it’s necessary after an assessment of your case.
If you are reporting domestic abuse on behalf of someone and wish for your details to remain confidential, these would not be disclosed.